Equine Assisted Wellness
of Mid Michigan
Equine Assisted Learning and Equine Therapy
est. April, 2021
Be Part of the Exciement!
Our Founder and Board have an exciting vision in 2024. This vision begins with the acquisition of a dedicated property for our program. We are actively seeking a +/- 10 acre parcel to begin this vision.
This property will allow us to offer a variety of programs to youth and adults, scheduled throughout the day, evening and weekend.​
An important part of our vision is funding. Please consider how you can be part of the Excitement. ​
Contributors will be recognized in a number of ways:
Their family name on our "Friends" wall
A tree planted in their honor, with a recognition plaque on display.
Many more ideas to come...​​​​
How does this benefit the community?
We will be capable of providing more programming for a wider number of individuals and groups.
We can expand our herd to six equine partners of various sizes and abilities.
Our programs will include a variety of practitioners offering services to meet a variety of needs in our community.
We will be conveniently located near business and schools, making our services easier to access.
Please consider how you can be a part of this exciting new resource in our community!
Materials Donations
We will need fencing for the perimiter of the property and for interior boundaries. A donation of any amount will help offset our fencing costs.
Storage Shelter
We will need equipment and hay storage. Two of these structures will provide the shelter that we need.